Ce que les gens disent de nous


Frontenac Outfitters Canoe & Kayak Centre, Sydenham, Ontario – April 2015

« Firstly, I would like to start by complimenting you on your paddles for the 2015 season. They are exceptional year after year, but it’s easy to see with this season’s products why Select is one of the top paddle makers in the world! »


Emmanuel Bertrand, Qc  Mars 2015

« Service et pagaie excellent ! »


Quickwater Canoe & Kayak LLC, Concord, NH, USA – March 2015

« Welcome to the world of elite paddles where performance is second to none! Care, craft, performance and attention to detail are the cornerstone of Select Paddles. They go through rigorous performance testing, upwards of 10,000 km before they are introduced to the market. All paddles are manufactured to order by this small Canadian manufacturer so all paddles in our inventory are newly made. Nothing on our rack is last years model or has been sitting in the manufacturers warehouse waiting for distribution. You can rest assured that what you are receiving is the best paddle you can possibly purchase. »


Billy Thibault, Qc – Octobre 2014

« De loin le meilleur service dans les sports de pagaie à Québec! »


Marye-Pier Côté, Qc – Septembre 2014

« Pour une expertise et un service comme nul part ailleurs »


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